I Picked Up This Book Because: Seeing if it was worth the hype.
The Characters:
Morgan Grant :
Clara Grant:
Miller Adams, Jonah Sullivan, Lexie, Jennie Davidson, Chris Grant
The Story:
I don’t even know how to begin describing this one. A) Because a lot happened and 2) I don’t want to give away anything so rather than describing the plot I’ll stick to the scorecard. The writing was good. I enjoyed the plot twist. I do think a lot could have been avoided if Morgan and Clara just talked to each other but then there wouldn’t be much of a book would there. The pacing moved along well. The only scene that dragged for me is the mockumentary. I really don’t card to watch them, let alone read a description of one the characters are watching. (view spoiler)
Although this book was good it wasn’t the smash I felt like the hype built it up to be. Beyond the plot twist I felt like it was mostly misunderstanding/miscommunication.
The Random Thoughts:
#2020BookBingo #2020PopSugarReadingChallenge
The Score Card:
3.5 Stars