Sarah’s Scribbles, Book 3
I Picked Up This Book Because: Continue the series
The Story:
As usual I loved the first half of the book, the second half, not so much. While it still have relatable and lovable cartoons the audience for the second half of the book was artists and I just didn’t connect with it. Also a lot of the information was given in paragraphs as opposed to comics which is well and fine and I’m sure gave useful content but is not what I visit these books for. However, as I said in the beginning, I loved the book up until the second half started. The comics are relatable to a broad group and so so funny.
The Random Thoughts:
Favorite page
The Score Card:
3 Stars
I Picked Up This Book Because: Continue the series
The Story:
As usual I loved the first half of the book, the second half, not so much. While it still have relatable and lovable cartoons the audience for the second half of the book was artists and I just didn’t connect with it. Also a lot of the information was given in paragraphs as opposed to comics which is well and fine and I’m sure gave useful content but is not what I visit these books for. However, as I said in the beginning, I loved the book up until the second half started. The comics are relatable to a broad group and so so funny.
The Random Thoughts:
Favorite page
The Score Card:
3 Stars