The Forest of Good and Evil, Book 1
I Picked Up This Book Because: I’m a fan of the author.
The Characters:
Everly Morrow:
Roth Charmaine:
Heartly Morrow, Truly Morrow, Farrah Charmaine
The Story:
The writing of this was very complex and multi tiered. I will admit I didn’t love the characters and even the storyline at times. It was a little bit of a lot that felt like a little bit of a lot. I quit this book when I got the ARC, it was a lot of buildup and very little pay off and as I listened to the audiobook I did still find myself feeling this way at times. On the flip side sometimes I was totally engrossed in the story, I just wish I could have been all in all the time.
I am on board for the next story, though I have no idea where this will go.
The Random Thoughts:
The Score Card:
3 Stars