I Picked Up This Book Because: The author
The Characters:
Georgia Young:
Wanda, Violet, Estelle, Frankie, Stan
The Story:
This wasn’t a terrible book but the focus and insistence that Georgia's friends and family put on her being single and that she HAD TO find a man to make her life happy and complete annoyed me to no end. Don’t get me wrong, if you desire to share your life with someone that’s wonderful but this book makes it seems like your just nothing unless you are coupled up or at least screwing someone be he married/engaged/single. Yeah ,no not okay.
I liked Georgia. I liked her spirit and the fact that she was willing to make changes in her life when she found she was dissatisfied with the way it was going. She is a loyal and forgiving friend and a tireless and loving mother. She tried new things and yes not all of them worked out but she was willing to try when most people are not. I’m glad she found her happily ever after.
To be honest, this book went on too long and annoyed me to the point of almost DNFing. The writing is not bad and it’s really highly rated but just not for me.
The Random Thoughts:
The Score Card:
2 Stars