By Betty White: Here We Go Again: My Life in Television [Audiobook] - -Simon & Schuster Audio-

I Picked Up This Book Because: I love Betty White and lets be honest I needed something short to take me over the top for my 2017 reading challenge.

The Story:

As I said I love Betty White. I find her story fascinating. This particular book deals with her life in TV. A bit of her time with Allen Ludden (and other husbands). Betty has done so much in her time. She has truly seen television though its infancy to the bounding bustling business today. She is such a gem.

The Random Thoughts:

I was shocked when she said half of the fanmail for The Golden Girls came from kids. I loved that show as a child and recently watched every episode (thank you Hulu) and am still in love with it.

The Score Card:


4 Stars