I Picked Up This Book Because: Virtual Book Club pick for November
The Characters:
Sal Casillas:
Reiner Kulti:
The Story:
I can not get coherent thoughts together on this book. It was all so good. I love the friendship that develops between Rey and Sal or should I say Bratwurst and Taco.
I’m taking it bare bones because I’m just so in love with this story and I don’t want to babble.
Writing: Excellent. This one doesn’t hit the ground running but builds slowly and naturally. Sal and Rey have a bit of a love/hate thing going on in the beginning, then it builds into a friendship, then a relationship. I love the way it all comes together in the end.
Forward Motion: Mostly good. The author seems to be a fan of dropping hints or telling part of a story then holding the rest for later in the book.
Overall Interest: I was completely hooked.
Length of Reading Time: I thought 16+ hours of listening was going to be a lot, turns out it was not enough. I think 7 days is an admirable amount of time for me.
Re-read-ability: It could happen.
The Random Thoughts:
The Score Card:
4.5 Stars