Kitty's Big Trouble - Carrie Vaughn
Kitty Norville, Book 9

I Picked Up This Book Because: Continuation of a series.

The Characters:

Kitty Norville:
Ben O’Farrell:
Cormac/Amelia, Sun, Anastasia:

The Story:

This title is misleading, Kitty is always in trouble but with so much going on I see why the author kept it simple. This story was anything but simple. With monsters and relics and gods and centuries old vampires. Oh and pack members that are now magically inclined. There is an excellent setup for the next book which I look forward to getting my hands on.

Marguerite Gavin deserves a shout out because her portrayal of Kitty and company is unbeatable. I think a great amount of my love for this series is due to her.

Writing: Intricate and slightly overwhelming, like I like it.
Forward Motion: Excellent,not a moment of lull. Seriously the characters have to be exhausted.
Overall Interest: Great. I actually listened to the last 45 minutes at work this morning.
Length of Reading Time: Good
Re-read-ability: No.

The Random Thoughts:

I kinda hope we get to see Sun again. I really liked his character.

I just had a thought: Is the title related to/a play on Big Trouble in Little China? I’ve never seen the film so I am clueless.

The Score Card:


4 Stars