Geek Actually, Book 1.7
I Picked Up This Book Because: This title specifically got me interested in the series.
The Characters:
Aditi Sodhi, Christina Webber, Elli Kelman, Michelle Andrada, Taneesha Adams:
The Story:
My takeaway from this book: Men are awful. I know this is not universally true but OMG almost all the men in this episode SUCK! I’m disappointed that I had to skip from 1 to 7 because obviously I missed a lot of information but I can’t get my wallet to give me the okay for spending 1.99 for less than 50 pages. So from what I can tell from where I’m at, Michelle’s husband is a jerk. Taneesha is dealing with the motherload of all of the terrible examples of humans, and Aditi is about to dive into that pool with her.
The Random Thoughts:
The Score Card:
4 Stars