Attraction: Elements of Chemistry (Hypothesis) (Volume 1) - Penny Reid

Hypothesis, Book 1.1

I Picked Up This Book Because: It was a Kindle freebie.

The Characters:

Martin Sandeke: Strong, possessive and a “jerk-face”
Kaitlyn “Katy” Parker: Logical, introvert, stupid smart.

The Story:

After Katy uncovers a plot to harm her lab partner, Martin he reveals his true feelings for her. Martin ends up whisking Katy and her best friend Sam away to a private island for a spring break getaway where they decide to take some time to get to know each other. Katy has already made up her mind that Martin and she will never happen but he does his best to try and change it.

This book reminded me what joy could be with reading. It was fun and free and covered a range of emotions. I felt an instant connection to Katy. We don’t learn much about Martin but I hear that changes in book two. He obviously has some things he needs to come to terms with and Katy is ready to take on that challenge. This really was a delight to read.

The Random Thoughts:

The Score Card:


4 Stars