
Frisky Beavers, Book 2
I Picked Up This Book Because: I’ve enjoyed Ainsley Booth’s writing and had to experience the follow up to Prime Minister with Sadie Hatler.
The Characters:
Max Donovan: Former child star turned pediatric doctor and Dom.
Violet Roberts: Lawyer and independent sub.
Co-starring: Gavin, Ellie, Lachlan, Beth.
The Story:
Max and Violet meet for what they assume will be a one night stand with a stranger but low and behold Max is relocating and Violet is assigned to represent his interest at his new attorney's office. A secret kinky relationship ensues.
Max and Violet’s chemistry is off the charts. I think this book dips further into kink than any other I have read. I don’t understand and see the appeal of it but the authors of this story make sure you fully understand the characters enjoyment of their scenes. For a while I thought the contact (cause there’s always a contract) between M and V were going to fall into the wrong hands and they would be exposed and have to overcome. I’m so glad I was wrong. Like really wrong. I’ll let you find out for yourself the direction of the story but I will say I’m really happy with the outcome.
The Random Thoughts:
I am more excited than words can say for book 3. That last chapter! Should I go buy it now?
The Score Card:

4 Stars
I Picked Up This Book Because: I’ve enjoyed Ainsley Booth’s writing and had to experience the follow up to Prime Minister with Sadie Hatler.
The Characters:
Max Donovan: Former child star turned pediatric doctor and Dom.
Violet Roberts: Lawyer and independent sub.
Co-starring: Gavin, Ellie, Lachlan, Beth.
The Story:
Max and Violet meet for what they assume will be a one night stand with a stranger but low and behold Max is relocating and Violet is assigned to represent his interest at his new attorney's office. A secret kinky relationship ensues.
Max and Violet’s chemistry is off the charts. I think this book dips further into kink than any other I have read. I don’t understand and see the appeal of it but the authors of this story make sure you fully understand the characters enjoyment of their scenes. For a while I thought the contact (cause there’s always a contract) between M and V were going to fall into the wrong hands and they would be exposed and have to overcome. I’m so glad I was wrong. Like really wrong. I’ll let you find out for yourself the direction of the story but I will say I’m really happy with the outcome.
The Random Thoughts:
I am more excited than words can say for book 3. That last chapter! Should I go buy it now?
The Score Card:

4 Stars