Blood Red Kiss - Gena Showalter, Kresley Cole, Larissa Ione

The Warlord Wants Forever - Immortals After Dark, Book 1 - Kresley Cole - 4 Stars - Nikolai Wroth, Myst the Coveted - I read this book previously as a part of Playing Easy to Get. My previous review

Forsaken by Night - MoonBound Clan Vampires, Book 2.5 - Larissa Ione- Stars - CHARACTER NAMES - I will come back to this when I read this series

Dark Swan - Otherworld Assassin, Book 2.5 - Gena Showalter - 2 Stars - Lilica Swan, Dallas Guiterrez - I’m torn on this one. I enjoyed the story overall but man it took forever for me to read it. Lilica was all things strong and loyal. Dallas is very gruff on the outside but a bit of a marshmallow on the inside. I adored his friendship with Devyn. Despite great characters I tended to fall asleep every time I picked up this book. So while I appreciate the world, the story and the delicious sexual tension between Dallas and Lilica I have to give this story a 2.