I Picked Up This Book Because: As strange as it sounds I’m a little obsessed with Trevor Noah. I find his background fascinating. Learning the dynamics of South Africa from his perspective has become an addiction.
The Story:
I love Patricia Noah. Trevor’s mother was a source of endless laughs, lessons and love in this book. Yes, she went through some trying times, some beyond difficult times but she is a survivor. Trevor’s recount of his relationship with his mother is almost magical. What a woman to be raised by. That being said I am amazed by the life Trevor has lived. I could almost feel myself there as he described the places he resided or visited in South Africa. Being a person who was born and raised in America and has barely ever left it’s boarder I really enjoyed getting to know another part of the world. There are so many things that I’ve never had to think about but as you listen to this book it dawns on you how many advantages we have her in the U. S. of A..
Trevor’s writing is captivating. I would love to hear more stories about any time he has spend a broad and his time in America. I just love his perspective.
The Random Thoughts:
The Score Card:
4.5 Stars