Charley Davidson, Book 13.5

I Picked Up This Book Because: It’s Charley, well not really but still.

The Characters:

Garrett Swopes:
Marika Dubois:
Elwyn Alexandra Loehr a.k.a. Beep
Uncle Bob, Cookie,

The Story:

AGHHHHHHHHH! I’m just so excited to be back into this world. I seriously didn’t think we would get a story for a few years while we waited for Beep to grow up. She was such a cutie I’m a bit sad we didn’t get to see more of her precious ways but I know she has a mission and we gotta get to it. Speaking of cute, did anyone else’s ovaries melt just a little bit while Garrett and Zaire were playing? They are adorable together and again, I wanted to see more of this. I could gush all day but I’ll wrap it up. I loved it and I can’t wait for the next.

The Random Thoughts:

5 Stars