Black Dagger Legacy, Book 3
I Picked Up This Book Because: Continue the series
The Characters:
Rhage, Paradise, Craeg, other members of The Brotherhood
The Story:
I’ve missed Ms Ward’s writing. I love the flow of the stories, the characters, the world she has built. Every time I take a trip to Caldwell I recall why I love it so much. Okay now that I’ve fangirled appropriately let’s move on to this story. I’m not sure if I wasn’t paying attention or what but Saxton and Ruhn were at total surprise for me. A surprise I love mind you but I didn’t see it coming. Ruhn story is so complex. He has done so much for his family. I’m glad he has Saxton to comfort him. I was so happy with Minnie’s decision in the end too. Now Novo and Peyton are the perfect smart ass couple. And I think Novo should have let Peyton punch Oscar… after the pictures of course. It was good to see Peyton grow up a bit. I think he and Novo have a fun future ahead of them.
The Random Thoughts:
The Score Card:
4 Stars