For 100 Days - Lara Adrian
The Characters:

Avery Ross - Young, struggling but determined.
Dominic “Nick” Baine - Bachelor bazillionaire, with a surprising sweet side.

The Story:

I like Avery from the first time we meet her. She is down but not out and she is willing to take a big risk to change her life. Dominic is intense and a bit scarey at first sight however he proves to be the kind of guy that will make you fall in love with him even though he only exist on the page. Their torrid affair is filled with secrets on both sides and I was dying to know more with every page. There are hot, HOT sex scenes, moments of joy, fear, pain and outrage that you just can’t help but feel along with the characters.

Not going to lie, I’m disappointed that we don’t learn Avery’s secret until 94% into the book. (I had a hunch but needed confirmation.) Then at 97%, when the book ends, here comes another secret. UGHHHHHH! Once again I kinda wish I had held off reading this until the series was complete. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the book, I’m just impatient and want to know what is happening NOW!

Overall, this is a totally great read and I can not wait for the next installment.

The Random Thoughts:

Read With Me: For 100 Days

4 Stars